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10: Rupak Agarwal, Founder, EvueMe Selection Robot

Rupak Agarwal went from 26 years as a corporate professional to an entrepreneur in the AI field, as well as a coach to young leaders. His venture, EvueMe is a selection robot that simplifies the hiring process and weeds out candidates based on several technical and behavioural attributes. It is completely redoing the recruitment process by making it a lot more efficient and clinical.  “Have you ever had a situation where you ended up making the wrong choice, even after three to five rounds of assessments? Now imagine if there was a way in which all your potential candidates are ranked on all competencies required for the job. The amount of time and effort you will save. So EvueMe is your on-demand robot interviewer for your candidates which does various kinds of assessments with them through a robot. Ranks them on all competencies required for the job using artificial intelligence.”
12 Episodes
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