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#312  Surya Kriya and Surya Namaskar
#312 Surya Kriya and Surya Namaskar
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Available Episodes


In this episode, Sadhguru explains that human emotions are the most important and intense aspects of human life. Read more

In this episode, Sadhguru explains that human emotions are the most important and intense aspects of human life. Read more


In this episode, Sadhguru teaches us how and why being pleasant is important, especially when there is too much unpleasantness around you. Read more

In this episode, Sadhguru teaches us how and why being pleasant is important, especially when there is too much unpleasantness around you. Read more


Unpleasant experiences can happen with anyone, we need to change the lens with which we view life. Unpleasant experiences can happen with anyone, we need to change the lens with wh ... Read more

Unpleasant experiences can happen with anyone, we need to change the lens with which we view life. Unpleasant experiences can happen with anyone, we need to change the lens with which we view life. Read more


If you drink a lot of water in one go, all of it will not go into the system and rest of it will be shunted out. Sadhguru explains the right amount and way of having water. Read more

If you drink a lot of water in one go, all of it will not go into the system and rest of it will be shunted out. Sadhguru explains the right amount and way of having water. Read more


Sadhguru tells a funny tale about Shankaran Pillai and how people complicate things.Tune in to listen. Read more

Sadhguru tells a funny tale about Shankaran Pillai and how people complicate things.Tune in to listen. Read more


In this episode, Sadhguru talks about all the causes of violence and how to tackle them. Tune in to find out. Read more

In this episode, Sadhguru talks about all the causes of violence and how to tackle them. Tune in to find out. Read more


In this episode, Sadhguru delivers an extremely unpopular take on Ramayana and presents his perspective. Tune in to listen. Read more

In this episode, Sadhguru delivers an extremely unpopular take on Ramayana and presents his perspective. Tune in to listen. Read more


India is a land of seekers, not believers. Sahdguru talks about seeking behaviour of Indians and how that is relevant from religious angle. Read more

India is a land of seekers, not believers. Sahdguru talks about seeking behaviour of Indians and how that is relevant from religious angle. Read more


In this episode, Sadhguru talks about human intelligence and discusses whether it's a boon or bane for mankind. Read more

In this episode, Sadhguru talks about human intelligence and discusses whether it's a boon or bane for mankind. Read more


For the first time in human history, we have every resource, technology and capability to solve any problem but one thing is missing. Tune in to find out what's that. Read more

For the first time in human history, we have every resource, technology and capability to solve any problem but one thing is missing. Tune in to find out what's that. Read more

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