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#321 New Year, New Expectations
#321 New Year, New Expectations
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Available Episodes


There is no good or bad, its all relative.Everyone is in pursuit of their happiness. Tune in to know what Sadhguru has to share about the relativity of actions. Read more

There is no good or bad, its all relative.Everyone is in pursuit of their happiness. Tune in to know what Sadhguru has to share about the relativity of actions. Read more


Are we constantly looking at problems and have not peeped in our minds for solutions? Sadhguru shares insights on how to overcome this habit loop. Read more

Are we constantly looking at problems and have not peeped in our minds for solutions? Sadhguru shares insights on how to overcome this habit loop. Read more


Sadhguru questions the idea of modern day education, the requirment of compulsory education and more. Read more

Sadhguru questions the idea of modern day education, the requirment of compulsory education and more. Read more


Adiyogi & his ways to move towards attainment have a deep connection to the cosmic artihmetic. Tune in to how our Karmic structure relates to the cosmos. Read more

Adiyogi & his ways to move towards attainment have a deep connection to the cosmic artihmetic. Tune in to how our Karmic structure relates to the cosmos. Read more


Sadhguru talks about the importance of a spiritual seed inside every human to live blissfully and die peacefully. Read more

Sadhguru talks about the importance of a spiritual seed inside every human to live blissfully and die peacefully. Read more


Everything around you is miraculous if you think about it. You can study a flower all your life, but never really understand it completely. Sadhguru asks us to wear the lens of won ... Read more

Everything around you is miraculous if you think about it. You can study a flower all your life, but never really understand it completely. Sadhguru asks us to wear the lens of wonder in life. Read more


Emotions are products of our mind that we haven’t taken charge of. Sadhguru enlightens us on how to manage these emotions. Making your mind in to a miracle or a misery machine is i ... Read more

Emotions are products of our mind that we haven’t taken charge of. Sadhguru enlightens us on how to manage these emotions. Making your mind in to a miracle or a misery machine is in your hands. Read more


Sadhguru talks about the importance of an efficient body system and shares tips for a healthier lifestyle. Read more

Sadhguru talks about the importance of an efficient body system and shares tips for a healthier lifestyle. Read more


Sadhguru talks about the fascinating consciousness of the people from old Indian civilizations. He questions why we are discounting human experience and are giving so much attentio ... Read more

Sadhguru talks about the fascinating consciousness of the people from old Indian civilizations. He questions why we are discounting human experience and are giving so much attention to the roads and drainage systems that were built. Read more


Sadhguru shares the secrets of the solar cycle, lunar cycles, and how to go beyond the cycles of birth and death. Tune in to find out. Read more

Sadhguru shares the secrets of the solar cycle, lunar cycles, and how to go beyond the cycles of birth and death. Tune in to find out. Read more

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